


   Hello everyone! I'm India and I created this blog. This is a blog where I can write stories that have been on my mind and post them for all to see. I live to write. I always have new ideas for a story everyday, but even if I do write them out, no one will be able to enjoy them. That's why I made this blog.
   Every Sunday, I'll post a short story. You might have guessed that I'll call it "Short Story Sunday". SSS for short. Once a month, I'll post an update on my life and other important things. I also plan on adding a few more things like that in the future. I might even post writing tips once and a while. I am still a growing writer, so please feel free to leave (nice) comments about my stories or whatever.
   So, in order to keep up with the short stories, I suggest you follow this blog. 


   If you were paying attention, you might have seen that my name is India. First off, I'm not from India. Let me tell you about myself. I love to read. Whenever people ask me what I like to do outside of school, I usually answer with "read". Now that I have been getting caught up in writing my own stories, I might change my mind. Fantasy is definitely my favorite genre to read or write, because it's just so full of imagination. You can make anything happen in fantasy. If you want, you could make a troop of fairies attack the antagonist at any point, just for the fun of it. But realistic fiction is the easiest, because it's based off of real life.
   I do have a life outside of books, in case you were wondering. I play the oboe and hang out with my friends. Also, I have an interest in science. I plan on being a scientist and a writer in the future. There's so many different kinds of sciences. I love them all (well, 95%. I don't have any interest in bugs) and I don't know what kind of scientist I want to be when I grow up. 
   As you might have noticed, I'm hoping for a bright future as an author and a scientist, but being a scientist might not happen if I can't get a grip on math. Math. My worst enemy. Bleh. I have never been able to memorize the times tables and completely understand fractions. Well, that's my life. 
   Thank you for visiting, and please come back! OR... you can follow! Bye!


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