
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Short Story Sunday-#23

Jessie shoved open the doors, letting the light bathe her. She calmly walked towards the ledge just a few yards from her doorstep. Her dog, Boomer, followed loyally behind her, as she sat on the edge, the water licking at her bare feet. Boomer nudged her hand as if to say, "love me". Jessie closed her eyes and took a minute to listen to the water lapping against the concrete wall and the sound of the wind blowing around her. Her fairy blond hair flew gently in the the air, tickling her pale skin.
   When she opened her eyes, she found Boomer with his head in her lap, his pleading eyes looking up at her. She eventually gave in and rubbed his smooth fur, making him relax and close his eyes. There they sat. The girl and her dog and their big house.
   As the sun rose higher in the sky and the day got warmer, Jessie stood up, rousing her dog from his rest. Together they walked into town, leaving wet footprints in their path. She walked through the market and tried her best to ignore the merchants shouting out their prices and trying to beat the stand next to them. Jessie walked through streets of houses and shops and stopped at none.
   They reached the edge of town and stopped. The concrete ledge was in front of her again. Here, Jessie found a ladder, and rung by rung, she climbed down--still in her clothes--until the water reached her neck. The water felt nice on her skin that has been bearing the weight of the sun for most of the day. The coolness of it chased the heat away. She let go of the ladder and enticed Boomer into the water. He jumped in beside her with a splash.
    Jessie sucked in a breath and dove under the water, kicking her feet in the air, then pulling them under as well. With graceful movements of her arms, she propelled herself forward. To her left, Boomer paddled along with her, keeping his eyes on her. A school of tiny silver fish float by, oblivious of Jessie's presence. Boomer watched the rays of light, piercing the through the water, waver as the water rippled.
   Jessie popped up to the surface with one strong kick, and Boomer surfaces next to her. She gave out a laugh and lay on her back. She swiveled her arms like a windmill and glided across the water.
   When her lungs were filled again, she plunged back down into the refreshing water for another swim.
   At the end of the day, when the sky flared up at the sun's leaving, Jessie and Boomer sat on the concrete ledge. With Boomer's head in her lap again, she watched the sun retreat under the ground. She watched the color of the sky change from yellow to pink, to red and orange, then to dark blue. She watched the sun's reflection shimmer in the water and the birds flying past the orange sky, making the scene picture perfect.
   After the stars had taken over, Jessie turned and strolled back the way she came, her loyal dog prancing at her side.

   Hooray! I wrote a story! I feel awesome to actually be posting a story again. Thanks to my friend (I'm not saying names) for sending pictures and giving me the kick to write this. I honestly needed that. I haven't written anything worthy of posting for a while. 

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