
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Short Story Sunday-#10

Free Writes

Sorry I'm late again. It was a homework overload again. I also had so many other things going on that I couldn't squeeze this in. I'm doing it now. I think I'll do a few three minute free-writes and see how it turns out because I don't have time to come up with a story subject.

1: Scribbles.  I love art. It is so many things and you never see the same piece of art. I'm not very good at art, but I can just call it "abstract" and get away with it. I love to scribble and try to see what the scribbles look like. That's art too. Art can just be what you do in your free time or what your do when your supposed to be listening to the teacher, but instead your drawing. I always end up with scribbles all over my paper. Math is the best time for drawing..for me at least. I draw some random animal in the margins while I'm thinking about the problem. Art has no limits and you can do whatever you want.

2: Waking up.  This is probably the hardest thing for me. I wake up at my alarm and press the snooze button. Then, 10 minutes later, it goes off again. This time I tell myself to sit up and get out of bed. I sit up but then quickly fall asleep. Then once again my alarm goes off. I turn the alarm clock off and tear the covers off my bed and sit back up. I lean up against my pillow and fall back asleep. Now, because I turned my alarm off, I don't wake up until my mom comes into the room and shakes me awake. I always feel ashamed of myself because I really thought that today was going to be the day that I woke up on time.

3: Halloween.   Don't get me wrong, I like Halloween, but I think that it's just really silly. I think that getting a costume and dressing up is too much of a hassle. Too hard. Especially when your parents always insist on not buying one and making your costume instead. Then there's all the candy. I love candy, but there is an existent point where I get sick of it. There;s just too much and I never finish it all anyway. The only time I've really had fun on Halloween was when I went with just my friends and not family. That was exciting. BUt, I do enjoy carving pumpkins. I love the feel of the gooey stuff inside that you have to rip out and I love the feel of cutting that thing up.

4: School and learning.  I love to learn, but I really don't enjoy school. This may not make sense, but they're much different. School is a place that you are sent to and forced to go to. You get judged and you always feel self-conscious. Then, you get things forced down your throat and they expect you to remember it all. Then, they judge you on how well you remember it. Learning, on the other hand, it much different. You get to know new cool, things and find out things. Then, you can use the stuff you learned to do coo, stuff and have fun, See the difference?

This is really fun, so I'm going to do one more.

5: Medicine.  What if all the medicine in the world was all-natural and really worked the way the commercials say. There would be no scary side-effects (or so i hope) and people would be much healthier. Maybe the cure to cancer is right at our finger tips but we're still looking at chemicals instead of natural plants that could save millions of lives. I bet that some kinds of medicine aren't really anything. They're just weird tablets that are supposed to do something, but they only seem to be doing something because they say that they are. Maybe they are just mind tricks and your body is taking care of itself and doesn't need this medication. They just make you think that it's helping but it's just making you help yourself. 

Well there you have it. I will do this again sometime. Did you like it? Do you want me to do it again? Comment below. Once again, I'm really sorry about his EXTRA EXTRA late S.S.S. I'll actually do a story next time.

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